MILBURN William (1826 – 1903)

SHIPPING MAGNATE Situated in the Consecrated/West Section of Jesmond Old Cemetery. Milburn House at Side is a well known Newcastle building, but the Milburn family commemorated in its name is not so familiar today. Two pubs, a printing works, shops and old housing were demolished to make way for the splendid new office block completed […]

NEWTON Captain James William (1831 – 1906)

CAPTAIN AND PUBLICAN Situated in the Consecrated/West Section of Jesmond Old Cemetery. James commenced his career as a sailor at the age of 19 in 1850. He served his apprenticeship to the sea on the east coast and in the Baltic trade. On returning to England in 1855, he took his Mate’s certificate. and rose […]

RUNCIMAN Sir Walter (1847 – 1937)

SHIPOWNER, PHILANTHROPIST AND M.P. Situated in the Consecrated/West Section of Jesmond Old Cemetery. Walter Runciman was born in Dunbar, Scotland on July 6, 1847. He was the fourth son of Walter Runciman, master of a schooner and later a member of the coastguard, and Jean Finlay, oldest daughter of John Finlay, shipowner, also of Dunbar. […]

SOUTHERN George (1792 – 1855)

COLLIERY OWNER Situated in the Consecrated/West Section of Jesmond Old Cemetery. George Southern lived at Kibblesworth Hall and was the joint owner of Kibblesworth Colliery, where he was also a managing partner and viewer. The colliery was served by the renowned Bowes Railway, which carried coal down to Jarrow Slakes. The Southern family were very well known […]

SUTHERLAND Sir Arthur Munro (1867 – 1953)

SHIPOWNER AND PHILANTHROPIST Situated in the Unconsecrated/East Section of Jesmond Old Cemetery

WALTON – BROWN Stanley (1888 – 1960)

ESTEEMED CITIZEN OF SEGHILL Situated in the Unconsecrated/Eastern Section of Jesmond Old Cemetery

WISE James (1796 – 1868)

MASTER MARINER Situated in the Consecrated/West Section of Jesmond Old Cemetery. According to the Census records, James was born in Montrose, Forfar on the 18th September 1796. His parents were James and Elizabeth Wise, nee Bate. His travels must have taken him to the North East, where he married Elizabeth, nee Thompson, from Newcastle, in […]