Dissertation Success for Newcastle University Student.

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The Friends of Jesmond Old Cemetery were asked by Izzy, a Student from Newcastle University, for help and advice with her Final Year Dissertation. Obviously, we were very keen to help Izzy with her work, entitled ‘Gravestones of Grief: revealing women’s experience of grief, mourning and loss in Jesmond Old Cemetery.’ The aims of Izzy’s study were to determine the extent to which graves JOC gravestones provide insights into the mourning experiences of women in Newcastle upon Tyne during the Victorian Era and to investigate whether these experiences changed over the Victorian period and whether gravestones reflect these changes.

A very detailed investigation by Izzy highlighted that, ‘overall, the gravestones at JOC encapsulate the shifting mourning experiences for women over the Victorian era, highlighting the profound emotional toll and resilience required to navigate these changes. They reflect the transition from a period marked by high maternal mortality to one where advancements in healthcare began to mitigate these losses, thus changing the nature and increasing the frequency of mourning for women. These gravestones
serve as poignant historical records, providing insight into the personal and collective experiences of grief specific to women and the changing landscape of Victorian Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Through meticulous documentation and analysis, this study reveals the profound impact of socio-economic and medical advancements on women’s experiences of grief ,mourning, and loss.’

Izzy was awarded a Distinction for her Dissertation – a great result…..many congratulations, Izzy.

Izzy on one of our tours, with Gary and Susie.

Izzy was kind enough to acknowledge the input of the Friends in her Dissertation, writing, ‘I am profoundly thankful to the Friends of Jesmond Old Cemetery, whose invaluable assistance greatly enriched this study. Special thanks go to Pauline Martin and Ray Hayes for their dedicated efforts in providing historical context and facilitating access to critical resources.’

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