Situated in the Consecrated/West Section of Jesmond Old Cemetery.

R.J. Charleton, in his seminal series on Jesmond Old Cemetery, published in The Newcastle Weekly Chronicle in 1886, highlights the most curious monument in the cemetery, describing it thus; “It is a plain, square free-stone pedestal about four feet high. The top is flat, and on approaching it you see what appear to be fragments of a broken vase which some one has picked up and laid there, but, on closer examination, you find them part and parcel of the stone, and apparently carved out of the solid. The foot of the vase or pitcher, with part of its stem, represented as having been snapped through, stand on one side of the pedestal, and the body, round which is carved a rose spray, lies on its side close by, while the broken handle and two detached rose buds, supposed to have broken off by the fall of the vase, lie a little way off. On the southern face of the pedestal is the following inscription in Roman letters:- “Ad Urceolum, Foeminas et Auriconium, valde defletos hunc cippum Pater Mater que dedicant” We take it that the monument is erected to three children, two boys and a girl, and that the terms Urceolum (Little Pitcher), Foeminas (which here probably means Little Woman) and Auriconium (Golden Hair) were their pet names. The broken pitcher symbolizes one of them, and the two broken off buds the others. Accepting this theory, the meaning the writer intended to express would be :- To Little Pitcher, Little Woman, and Golden Hair, with many tears, Father and Mother dedicate this monument”.