Heritage Open Day Festival.

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Well, our Heritage Open Day’s were a great success, with over 60 people attending our two tours on the 7th and 12th September. We had some lovely ‘official’ feedback from the evaluation that the HOD staff conducted on our behalf, namely:

“It was a very interesting visit, the tour guide was very friendly and knowledgeable. The tour of the cemetery was respectful. I enjoyed the history aspect of the tour. I want to return to the site to find out more and maybe beĀ  involved with the volunteers that operate there.”

“Very enjoyable and interesting because it opened a window on a lot of the history of Newcastle upon Tyne that I was not aware of. Was also interested to learn that The Friends of Jesmond Old Cemetery exists as a group.”

“Very well organised by the Friends of Old Jesmond Cemetery – welcoming, knowledgeable, nice small group and very friendly. It made me interested in finding out more.”

So…..if you haven’t been on one of our fantastic tours, look out for future dates and get yourself on one….too good to miss!!

Heritage, History and Hospitality, all in one go.

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